We are always seeking new members and volunteers to help with the regeneration and restoration of our coastal dunes and bushland areas. The work is interesting, educational, suitable for all ages and can be fun! Being a volunteer gives you an opportunity to learn about our local natural vegetation, eco-systems, and sustainable agriculture while giving you the chance to care and protect the amazing natural environment of Coffs Harbour.
Becoming part of the Landcare network helps you to meet other people passionate about our environment and with similar interests to you. You can learn from the experiences of other Landcare groups, can access support from government agencies more readily and become better informed about natural resource management. This may be through:
- Becoming a regular volunteer at a Landcare work site
- Attending Landcare meetings and conferences
- Attending regular Landcare field days and training events
- Receiving the Landcare Newsletter ‘Beach to Bush News’ and other Landcare information material.
To become a Landcare Volunteer you first need to find an existing Landcare site to work at. Please view ‘Our Landcare Sites and Working Bees’ page to find the nearest site to you. Our Working Bee Timetable sets out the days each month when working bees are held at each site. These days vary by site. Once you have found a site please contact us so we can put you in contact with your site coordinator. Alternatively you can start a new Landcare work site if there is somewhere you would like to rehabilitate. Please contact us if you are interested in doing this. We usually require a minimum of 4 site members to start up a new work site.
Before commencing work you are required to become a member of Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare. Among other things this will ensure that you are covered by our insurance if you have an injury. To do this you will need to complete our CHRL Membership form and pay a $5 annual membership fee prior to commencing. Applications for membership are subject to approval at an Executive or General meeting.
You will be provided with a pair of coveralls to wear when working on site along with a hat and gloves. Tools will also be provided by the site coordinator. The site coordinator will teach you which weeds to remove and the methods used to do so. We also hold regular training in Bush Regeneration principles for our new volunteers that cover the common weed control techniques of cut and paint, stem injection, scrape and paint and crowning. The training workshops also covers common weed species, the safe use of chemicals and basic tool maintenance. All new volunteers working on Landcare sites on Council or NPWS Regional Park Land should attend this training where possible.
Please note that the CHRL Code of Conduct is on the reverse side of the Member Application Form. Individuals wishing to become CHRL members are required to abide by the Code of Conduct.
Incorporated Organisations may apply to become a member group of CHRL. Contact the CHRL office for an Incorporated Organisation Application Form.
Members of Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare receive assistance with Landcare projects and funding applications, including the Coffs Harbour City Council Environmental Levy on a needs basis. This funding allows CHRL to assist with governance issues at work sites, facilitate training workshops and courses for members, and provides access to publications and other resources.