The meeting of the 14th March 2018 was attended by six members of the Executive and chaired by the President, Barry Powells.

New members

This month the Executive approved seventeen (17) applications for membership of Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare. Most of these new members will be joining Sandy Beach Dunecare, or the newly formed Fuller Street Dunecare.

Presidents report

The President reported on a number of interesting events he had attended in the last month on behalf of CHRL. Of note was a very well attended forum at the Marine Science Centre featuring PhD candidate Shane White which provided a forum to hear about and discuss the impact of intensive plant agriculture on water quality, which he said had been extremely informative. The President also informed the Executive that he would be meeting with the newly formed NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust.

Blueberry engagement project

CHRL Landcare Coordinator reported on progress on the Blueberry Engagement Project, and the 4th Annual Blueberry Field Day ‘Getting the best out of your soil” to be held on Thursday 15th March 2016.


The Executive approved a new Risk Management Policy for CHRL and will be looking at implementation of the policy over the coming months.

Site and project news

The Executive were advised that:

  • A site plan for the Corindi Beach Landcare site has been finalised
  • Crown Lands has granted a short-term licence to cover work at the ‘The Jungle’ at Coramba
  • Work has started on the Jaliigirr Terrestrial Ecosystems project
  • funding applications have been submitted through the Environmental Trust for revegetation of old banana lands, targeting six sites over three years.

Environmental levy policy

The Executive discussed Coffs Harbour City Council’s new Environmental Levy Policy currently out for public comment, and the potential impact on Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare’s funding. The Executive resolved to meet with representatives from Council to discuss the policy and understand better any impacts on funding.

Sustaining Landcare

The Executive reviewed an update from Landcare NSW regarding future funding for Landcare support (i.e. local coordinators and state-wide services). Landcare NSW is seeking to ensure that the 2018 NSW State Budget provides adequate funding to maintain the current level of support. The Executive resolved to discuss this matter with the local member.


The Executive reviewed the February finance report, and the Quarterly Budget review confirming that the organisations current commitments can be met.

Barry Powells
President and Chair
Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare Incorporated